Electronic project application system for NHR

Start Page

Welcome to JARDS, please choose if you want to create an application or review submitted applications.


Please select an application kind to create an application. If you do not yet know which project category and/or NHR-center are appropriate for you, please first refer to the information on the NHR website.

Project Categories
  1. NHR-Starter: This category is intended as a one-time opportunity for applicants without experience in the application procedure for resource use of high performance computing, and without deeper background knowledge of high performance computing. Your application will be assigned to one of the NHR centers, from where you will receive advice, and limited HPC resources for use for one year. The goal is to provide easy access and to enable you to subsequently submit a successful proposal in the Normal or Large project categories.
  2. NHR Test/Preparation Projects: This project category is mainly used to prepare an application; it can also be used to test whether the system is suitable for the research project. Approval of the projects usually takes a few days. The application includes only essential information to set up the project. These projects are severely limited in duration and/or resources.
  3. NHR-Normal: Projects with moderate resource requirements fall into this category. In addition to the essential information establishing the project, the project application includes a brief description of the scientific project and a justification of the resource needs. Resources are allocated by a scientific committee at the respective NHR center.
  4. NHR-Large: This project category is intended for projects with very large resource requirements. Because a single project here occupies a large part of the system, special attention is paid to efficient use of resources during the review and approval process. Resources are allocated by the NHR Nutzungs-ausschuss based on the decision of the Scientific Panel at the respective NHR Center.

Review System

To access the review system you must be registered as a reviewer.


You can access the project page for any of your approved applications.